Top Food & Drink Destination: Lima, Perú
Mistura: The Power of Food (2011)
Trailer - Documental
Perú may be region´s next success story
A lot has been written in recent days about the well-deserved Nobel prize for Peruvian novelist Mario Vargas Llosa. I don´t just see it as a long overdue recognition for Vargas Llosa, but as new evidence that economically, socially and culturally. Peru is becoming one of Latin America´s most promising countries.Read more:
Peru’s Gastronomy to post Record Sales of US$ 14.3 Billion this year
Peruvian gastronomy will post record sales of 40 billion soles (US$ 14.3 billion) this year, a six percent increase compared to a year ago, said Minister of Economy and Finance Mercedes Araoz based on information provided by the Peruvian Society of Gastronomy (Apega).
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